Priority. The Priority determines the importance of this project. A high priority project is important to everyone at the company and will be worked on sooner. A low priority project is less important to everyone at the company, so you may have to wait until you have a time to work on it. Urgent projects are critical, and need to be completed within a certain time frame. Low priority projects are less critical, and need to be completed within a higher amount of time.This section shows you the projects available in the repository. There is a Project Name and the Priority associated with it. If you wish to add a project that isn't already listed here, click on the + button. You must be a member of at least one organization on to add a project to this repository. Only Projects in My Organization or In My Organization are shown on this page.If you want to add a new project to this repository, click the + button. If you want to check out a project in this repository, you have to be a member of the Organization. You can register on our Organization page to be able to download a project.
How to Download a Project from the Container
There are two ways to download a project. You can either click on the Project link, or click on the Download button.The Project Link shows you the different views of the project. You can see a list of the components, all the people working on the project, the project status, and the created date. You can also use the filters to search for a specific project.
Pending Changes, Approved Changes, All Changes, Archived Changes, and All changes can be viewed by clicking the filter.
You can see the report for a specific user or a specific component.
You can download a ZIP of the project. In case you get an error while trying to download a project, make sure that you are logged in and that you have access to the project.
Downloading a Project in the Container
The Download button shows the CSV of the project and the status of the projects. You can download the project in one of the following ways:
In ZIP:Download the project in a ZIP file, which you can unzip wherever you want.
In CSV:Download the project in a CSV file, which you can manipulate into other formats, such as an Excel spreadsheet or JSON file.
What are the files available in the container?
Here you will see the different files available in this repository
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